Celebrating Our 1 Year Anniversary!!

1 year anniversary badge

On August 15, 2019, after over 35 years of working for a major jewelry company, I decided to open DW Gem Services LLC as Cheshire’s only “personal jeweler”. To say this year has been a challenge, is an understatement.  I am proud to say that I have survived  a pandemic and a tropical storm and I am looking forward to many more years serving the people of Cheshire and the surrounding community.

I would be remis if I did not thank my wife, Jenifer, and my family and friends who believed in me.  My old and new customers who have trusted me, and the many people who have reached out to me to ask advice on jewelry.

I am often asked what exactly is a “personal jeweler”, so I will try to explain it here.  I have a very vast knowledge of this industry and many years of experience. I can do everything that any other jeweler can do, but it is on a one to one basis.  Think about it, would you prefer to go to a mall or larger jewelery store and meet with a salesperson who may have been working at a grocery store last week and has little or no knowledge of the jewelry business? Whether you are making a major jewelry purchase or getting something repaired, you want the people helping you to know what they are looking at.  Would you want to go to a pawn shop or jeweler who does not have the expertise to sell your diamonds, jewelry or Rolexes? Of course not.  That would be a huge mistake and can end up costing you more money in the long run.

At DW Gem Services LLC, we specialize in the following:

  • Insurance and Estate Appraisals
  • Estate jewelry, Diamond, Gold, Rolex, and sterling silver purchasing
  • Diamond, Colored Stone, and Jewelry sales
  • Custom designed jewelry
  • Expert repairs
  • Brokerage services for high grade items

Jewelry, whether you are purchasing it or selling it, is a very personal matter. It makes sense to meet with someone who understands the business, has a strong reputation for honesty and fairness, and has the experience and knowledge to make you feel comfortable about your transaction.  I am a graduate gemologist with an extensive background in appraising, evaluating, and designing.

I look forward to hearing from my old customers and new ones. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
